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Assess the maturity of your IT department in 5 steps


The 5 key questions to get a sense of your level of IT maturity:

1- Do your projects have indicators that measure alignment with corporate business priorities?

A - Yes B - No C - Sometimes

2- Who is the owner of Data Governance project (or MDM)?

A - VP Marketing B - VP Technology C - VP Business

D - noone or no Data Governance project

3 – On which Vice-Presidency does Information Security directly depend ?

A - VP Risk Management B - VP Technology C - Other VP

D - does not directly depend on a Vice-President, rather attached to a Director

4 - How often do you meet with the CEO?

A - Every month B - 1-2 times per year C - Every three months

5- Do you have a monthly dashboard of your technology costs with a breakdown per Business Unit and a benchmark against the market?

A - Yes B - No C - Partly


A counts for 4 points, B and D for 0 and C for 2 points.

  1. You have between 16 and 20 points. Congratulations. The key points are there, even though they may sometimes be improved.

  2. You have between 10 and 16 points. Stay vigilant not to miss the key turns to come and demonstrate the added value of the IT Department.

  3. You have less than 10 points. You probably need to make major changes in your organization.

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